School Supply Lists 2024-25
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Kindergarten Supply List (PDF)
Parents, below you will find a list of supplies that your child will need for kindergarten. Please bring in all items to your class visit. Please do NOT put your child’s name on any items, except for their backpack. Lists may vary by classroom. Please visit each classroom website for more information. 😀
- 1 large backpack (no wheels)
- 1 Mead Primary Journal K-2 Creative story tablet (top half blank for pictures) found at Target, Staples or Amazon.
- 2 solid plastic colored pocket folders (no paper folders or designs)
- 1 one inch WHITE CLEAR view 3 ring binder
- 1 box of wide Crayola 12-count washable markers (any colors example: classic, bold, tropical, pastels)
- 1 box of 24-count TWISTABLE crayons
- 1 box of 18 or 24-count TWISTABLE colored pencils
- 1 box of 24 count sharpened pencils
- 2 Rolls of Paper Towels
- 1 pair of Fiskar scissors
- 1 pack of 12 Elmers glue sticks
- 2 containers of Clorox wipes
- 1 ream of white copy paper
- 1 set of headphones (no ear buds)
- Classroom donation of $20.00 will be collected using School Pay at the beginning of the year.
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s white glue
- 1 roll of Scotch tape
- 1 bottle of hand soap
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
- 1 pkg thin black dry erase markers
- 2 large pink erasers
- Lysol disinfectant spray
- 1 pkg of thick dry erase markers
- Box of assorted Sharpie markers
- Classroom Snacks (string cheese, goldfish, graham crackers)
1st Grade
- 18 (no. 2) sharpened wooden pencils
- 1 box of crayons (24 count)
- 1 box of washable markers - wide
- 1 box of washable markers- narrow
- 1 box of 24 colored pencils
- 4 black dry erase markers (thin)
- 1 plastic pencil box (standard size)
- 2 large erasers
- 1 pair of Fiskars scissors (pointed)
- 2 plastic two-pocket folder
- 1 wide-ruled composition books (100 pages)
- 1 spiral wide-ruled notebook
- 6 large glue sticks
- Headphones
- 1 containers of Clorox Wipes
- 1 box of Kleenex
- 1 large bottle of Hand Sanitizer
- 1 roll paper towels
- Classroom donations to be determined and will be collected using School Pay at the beginning of the year.
- 1 box quart size baggies
- 1 box gallon size baggies
2nd Grade
- 1 box crayons (24 count) (label with student's name)
- 1 box broad-tip washable markers (label with student's name)
- 1 box colored pencils (label with student's name)
- 1 box thin-tip markers (label with student's name)
- 48 pencils (sharpened)
- 1 pack wide ruled loose leaf paper
- 2 large boxes of tissue
- 1 pair children’s Fiskar scissors (7" medium scissors, label with student's name)
- 2 pack of 6 glue sticks
- 2 large pink erasers
- 1 non-bendable ruler (inch and cm) (label with student's name)
- 4 fine tip black dry erase markers
- 5 sturdy plastic pocket folders (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 2 any color. Label with student's name)
- 1 plastic pencil box (8 3/8” x 5 5/8” x 2 1/8”) (label with student's name)
- 2 tubs disinfecting wipes, bleach free
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer (BOYS only)
- 4 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled) (label with student's name)
- 2 yellow highlighters
- 1 roll of paper towels (GIRLS only)
- 1 washcloth or sock for whiteboard
- 1 set of headphones (label with student's name) no wireless & no earbuds
- 1 bottle of Elmer's glue
- Classroom donations to be determined and will be collected using School Pay at the beginning of the year.
3rd Grade
Lists may vary by classroom. Please visit each classroom website for more information.
- 24 SHARPENED Ticonderoga pencils
- Scissor (no round tips and labeled with student’s name)
- 6-wide ruled spiral single subject notebooks
- 1 hard plastic pencil box (label with student’s name)
- 1 watercolor paint set
- 1-pack of black dry erase markers
- 1-pack thin black dry erase markers
- 1 washcloth
- 1 pack of crayons
- 1 pack wide markers
- 1 pack colored pencils
- 12 glue sticks
- 1 large hand sanitizer (boys only)
- 3 large containers Clorox Wipes (girls only)
- 1 highlighter
- 2 box Kleenex
- 1 12-inch ruler (non-bendable and labeled with student’s name)
- 4 sturdy pocket folders (labeled on outside with student’s name)
- 1 colored pen (not black)
- Personal headphone to use during technology labeled with name
- Classroom donations to be determined and will be collected using School Pay at the beginning of the year.
Non-mandatory items **not required**
- personal pencil sharpener (labeled with name)
- pink eraser (latex-free, labeled with name)
- 1 roll Scotch tape
Donation items
- Gallon or quart Ziploc bags
- paper towels
- black sharpies
- liquid glue
4th Grade
Please do not label any supplies. We will label and organize in class.
- 4 wide ruled spiral notebooks
- 4 pocket folders with brads
- 1 pack of dry erase markers (8 total)
- 1 dry erase, eraser
- 3 glue sticks
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s glue
- 1 adult scissors
- 1 box 24 Crayola Crayons
- 1 box colored pencils
- 1 box large markers
- 1 box thin markers
- 1 Ruler (non bendable, inch and centimeter)
- 24 - sharpened pencils
- 1 pencil box
- 4 pink erasers
- 1 large hand sanitizer
- 2 boxes of Kleenex
- Personal headphones
- Paper Towels
- 2 containers Clorox wipes
- 1 pack post-it notes
- $5.00 for Scholastic News
- Classroom donations to be determined and will be collected using School Pay at the beginning of the year.
A-L (last names)
- 1 box quart size baggies
M-Z (last names)
- 1 box gallon size baggies
Optional Donation List for activities
- Play dough
- Treasure box items
5th Grade
- 1 ruler with both US Standard and metric units
- 1 pair of adult-sized scissors
- 1 pack dry erase markers
- 2 highlighters
- 24 pencils
- 2 pink erasers
- 1 personal pencil sharpener
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 1 pencil pouch or supply box
- 5 pocket folders
- 4 composition books
- 1 half circle protractor
- 1 pack wide ruled lined paper
- 2 reams copy paper
- 1 roll scotch tape
- 1 pack of Post-Its
- 1 pack glue sticks
- 1 set of headphones to stay at school
- 1 reusable water bottle
- 1 bottle hand sanitizer
- 2 containers disinfectant wipes
- 1 roll paper towels
- 1 box tissue
Classroom donations to be determined and will be collected using School Pay at the beginning of the year.